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Biotechnology in the Age of COVID-19 Webinar: The Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Biomanufacturing Operations

Biomanufacturing@MIT-CBI hosted the first webinar of a series on Biotechnology in the Age of COVID-19 on 22 April 2020, entitled “The Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Biomanufacturing Operations”. Strategies to prevent process and product contamination by SARS-CoV-2 and to ensure continuity of manufacturing during the COVID-19 pandemic were discussed through a series of expert perspectives, both from invited speakers with regulatory expertise and individuals from BioMAN and CAACB member companies with viral safety and manufacturing expertise. In addition, the CAACB team presented responses to a pre-webinar survey, completed by 15 member companies, that provided a high-level view of how biomanufacturers were approaching the global pandemic. 


Apr 22 2020


Online Event

